The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania – Eastern and Coastal Diocese (ELCT- ECD), is one of the twenty-five (25) Dioceses of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania comprising of 93 parishes in the citty, the Coast Region and Zanzibar,  ELCT-ECD followsits calling to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and God's love through preaching and action.

The scope of the work geographical covers the region of Dar es Salaam, Coastal Region as well as the islands of Zanzibar, Pemba and Mafia. The city of Dar es Salaam which houses the Diocesan Headquarters is theeconomic capital of the nation and keeps on attracting people from all parts of Tanzania and beyond. The city is the economical centre of the country and harbours big potentials for the Diocese and the country at large.

Currently, the Eastern and Coastal Diocese is structured in 6 districts, each headed by a District Pastor as follows:-