The Eastern and Coastal Diocese is one of
the 25 Dioceses of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in Tanzania. The Diocese was constituted
and registered as an independent church on 13 December 1962. By that time, it was known as Uzaramo – Uluguru Synod. In December 1970 the name was changed to ELCT: Eastern and Coastal Synod until December 1986 when the name again
was changed to ELCT: Eastern and Coastal Diocese. Missionary activities in the Coastal Region started in August 1887 with Johann Jacob Greiner, a missionary of the Berlin Mission .

The mandate of the Diocese is obtained from God himself, the constitutions of the ELCT and the Eastern and Coastal Diocesetogether with the constitution and the laws of the Country. In fulfilling the constitution and the laws of the Country the ELCT: Eastern and Coastal Diocese is a legally registered as a religious organization in Tanzania and given the certificate of registration No. SO.10525 of 25/8/2000.

The Diocese is structured in districts, each headed by a district pastor.The Diocese has six districts: Ilala, Kibaha, Kinondoni, Maneromango, Temeke and Zanzibar. The Diocese currently has 93 parishes and 183 sub parishes with more than 157 church buildings. The current membership of the church records stands at 283,393 adults and 68,680 children.

There are about 114 active pastors including the Bishop and the Assistant to the Bishop. Ten percent (10%) are women pastors. There are more than 169 Evangelists and 89 Parish Workers. Apart from these clergy there are other Non – Clergy workers include 26 in administration and management, 64, Accountants, 125 in Social services department. Total employees are 938.

The congregations are spread all over the three Districts of the Dar es Salaam Region, five Districts of the Coastal Region and in Zanzibar. Urban congregations are much stronger however; most of them have partnerships with rural congregations.